Jane and Geri met up a week ago and agreed we have been most lax in posting over the past four months. Where have we been? Anywhere but here! Geri has been very busy with teaching dance classes and her home life (all going well there, of course). Jane has been off the grid so to speak. She has been listening to lots and lots of new rock 'n' roll. All composed quite loudly in her basement. Then attending the shows at which it is played. For her stamina in listening to all these sessions of composition, practice and refinement of the music, Jane is generally put on the guest list to the various musical performances and she is thankful for that. Now that we have reached the second half of 2011, it is time we re-charge and see some movies. So, it is our aim to tell you...... We're back! Stay posted for movie reviews..... Coming to a blog near you!